Configuring Tracker to support SMTP
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By default, Tracker supports sending of Email through MAPI. If required, you can also send mail directly via SMTP if you know your SMTP settings. Using this option allows you to format the contents of the Email message using HTML, and include associated images in the message.

To install SMTP support, select Tools/Options from the main menu and select the E-Mail page:


Click on the Select Mail DLL button and choose the SMTPMail.dll file from the Tracker installation folder. SMTP support requires certain information to work. Clicking on the Configure E-Mail Settings button allows you to configure SMTP support:

Use this dialog to configure the support for SMTP send of Email

This is the hostname of your SMTP server

User Name/Password
Enter the username and password you use to access your Email via SMTP

Return Address
This is the return address associated with all EMails you send through Tracker.

Use HTML in message body
If you check this option, the details of the Issue you are sending, including any associated Images, will be included as the message body of all emails sent.

See Also: Sending Issues via Email


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