Updating an Issue
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There are several ways to update an existing issue. TC Tracker makes extensive use of HTML to make access to Issues and related information as easy as possible.

notes Note: if another user has created or modified an object since you have started TC Tracker, the new settings will not show up on your system until you do a refresh. To refresh the local cache, press F5, or select View / Refresh from the main menu.  

On the details screen, the following view is displayed when an issue is selected:


Moving the mouse over the description of any editable field and clicking it will pop up an editor for that particular field.

An issue can also be edited using it's property sheet. The Issue Properties dialog box can be accessed by selecting the relevant issue and choosing Action / Properties from the main menu.

The various notes fields can be edited by selecting the relevant page in the above view and either clicking on the Properties hyperlink, or double-clicking on the page itself.


The Attachments page allows you to add and manipulate references to either standard files, or Team Coherence archives:


To add a Team Coherence Archive to the current Issue select Action / Add / TC Archive from the main menu. This will display a selection dialog to allow you to select the relevant archives.

Once associated with the Issue, Issue properties are available from the Check In, Check Out and Properties dialog boxes of Team Coherence. In addition, the standard Check In, Check Out, Get and Properties menu options and tool buttons are available for the selected archives within TC Tracker.

Two other types of attachment can be made:

Standard file attachments. These are not stored in the repository, but are references to files stored on your local machine or a network drive. These types of attachment may not be available to other users.  
Shared file attachments. These attachments are stored in the repository and are available to all users with adequate rights. Double-clicking on one of these files opens it in the default editor for the file and, if any changes are made, they can be stored again in the repository.  


Images can be associated with any issue. This makes it easier to describe the particular issue, and can be referenced in the notes pages. Images and screenshots are stored (compressed) as part of the Issue, so are always available to users viewing the issue (although images are stored with the issue, they are only ever retrieved from the server when viewed). To add an image to an issue, select the Images page:

Either click on the New hyperlink, or right-click and use the popup menu. Once an image is defined, it can be modified by clicking the Edit hyperlink.

Images can be pasted into the Edit Image dialog box.


The History page displays a history of the changes to the current Issue. The details on this page cannot be changed but are provided for information and reporting purposes:



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