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Adds a new connection to the connection list.

Delphi (TCDirectIntf.pas)

function VcsAddConnection( Name, Description, Host: String; Port: Integer; Params: Stringvar Msg: String ): Boolean;  


The name to use for the new connection.
A description of the connection.
The Host that the repository is located on. Can be a hostname or an IP address.
The port number that the repository server is listening on.
Any other parameters describing the connection. This parameter is in the form of Name/Value pairs separated by a semi-colon.
Msg (out)
Returns any error message that might have occurred if the result is False

Return Value

True if successful. If an error occurs, the string describing the error is returned in Msg.


Params is a semi-colon delimited list of additional parameters defining the connection. This should be passed in the form
'Name1=Value1;Name2=Value2'... where the following names are valid:

Key - If the server you are connecting to requires you to enter a key for encryption, use this parameter

DUNConnection - If Dial-up Networking is required, the name of the connection
DUNUsername - The username required to validate the Dial-up Networking connection
DUNPassword - The password required to validate the Dial-up Networking connection

SocksVersion - If connecting through a SOCKS compliant server, the version that is supported. Can be V4, V4A or V5
SocksHost - The hostname of the SOCKS server
SocksPort - The port number of the SOCKS server
SocksUsername - The username required to validate the connection on the SOCKS server
SocksPassword - The password required to validate the connection on the SOCKS server

UseWindowsUser - If the value is set to 1, login to this connection will use the current Windows username. If set to 0, Username and password is required.


function TCDVcsAddConnection( pName, pDescription, pHost: PChar; Port: Integer; pParams: PChar; const pMsg: PChar ): Boolean; stdcall;  


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