-C Command-line Option
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Use the -C option for any command that requires a comment. If you do not specify the -C option, TC requests a comment for each item specified on the command line. If you do specify the option, all items receive the same comment.

The following table lists ways to use the -C option:

All items receive the same comment
No comment is used
Uses the string text as the comment for all items
Uses the contents of File.txt as the comment for all items

A few operations, for example CheckOut, CheckIn, and CreateLbl will prompt for a comment by default. If running these commands in a batch file you should use an option other than the -C option so that user input is not required.

If you want to enter a carriage return when entering comments at the command line, use: \n


TC gives you the option of providing a comment for each file you check out or in. This is the default behavior. The comment tells other users why you checked the file out or what changes were made when checking in

You can modify the default behaviour of TC by specifying a default setting for comments in the TC.INI file. Add the Comment= line to the [Defaults] section of the TC.INI file specifying one of the following:

Does not prompt for a comment:


Prompts for one comment for all files:


Reads the specified text file as a comment:


Uses the specified comment:


To override the default, specify another -C option on the command line.


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