-F Command-line Option
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When adding or checking in files, TC needs to know what to do when it encounters files that have not changes and needs to know what to do with the local file if the file is successfully checked in. This is handled using the -F options.

The following table lists ways to use the -F option.

Causes unchanged files to be checked in.
Unchanged files will not be checked in.
Once checked in, the archive remains locked so that the local file can be modified.
If assigning a Version Label, causes the existing label to be moved to the newly created revision.
Forces a Branch revision to be created.
Causes the local file to be made read-only after successful check in
Causes the local file to be left writable after checkin. Not recommended as a lock is not maintained.
Deletes the local file after a successful checkin.

By default, if none of these options are specified, the command will use -FU and -FR


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