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Generates a History report for the specified files. Reports are output in html to the named file.


tc HistoryReport <TC Files> -AO<filename> [-ADF] [-ADT] [-I] [-R] [-VF] [-VT] [-VI]  


Generate the history report for all files in the current folder, including the Name and Comments, and Timestamp columns:

tc HistoryReport * -AO"c:\report.htm" -I7  

Generate a history report for all .pas files, including in all subfolders, and including revisions between version "1.2.3" and "1.3.4":

tc HistoryReport *.pas -R -AO"c:\report.htm" -I127 -VF"1.2.3" -VT"1.3.4"  

The following table describes the command-line options available with this command.

Include all revisions later than the passed date.
Include all revisions prior to and including the passed date.
Columns to include in the report.
Recurse through subfolders.
Include all revisions after the one this label is attached to.
Include revisions up until the one this label is attached to.
If passed, does not display the 'from' revision.
Specify a Username and/or Password
-?, -H
Request online help for a command


Dates and Version Labels should be enclosed in quotes if there are any spaces. Dates are converted using the system format of the client machine.


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