Baseline a project or folder
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As you develop your project you will reach certain stages where you want to 'remember' the state of the files involved in that project. For example, you would probably want to baseline a beta release of your software so that, if any bugs are reported, you know which revisions of each file were in that particular release.

Once all the files in your project have reached a stage where you want to do this make sure all files are checked in and select the project in Version Manager. Select Action/Assign Version Label… from the main menu, or right-click and select Assign Version Label…

Version Labels can be as descriptive as you like, but normally reflect the status of the project at that time. For example, Beta 1, RC1, etc. You can also add a description for the Version Label.


Drop down the Version Label list to select an existing label or press the ellipsis (...) button to create a new Version Label. The comments assigned to the selected label will be displayed in the Comments box.

The Version Label list will only display visible labels. To use a label that is marked as hidden, use the button with the ellipsis to select it.

If the label is already assigned to a revision in any of the files, and you want to move all instances of this label to the current tip revision, make sure and check the Move existing label checkbox.

When you press the OK button, the Version Label you entered will be added to the latest revision (i.e. the current revision) of all the selected Files.

It is important to remember that Version Labels are attached to a revision of a file as opposed to being related to the timestamp of the file at the time the version was created. This allows you to subsequently move the Version Label or add the same Version Label to a new file at a later date.

When checking a file out, or refreshing the local files, you can enter a Version Label in the check out dialog box to retrieve that particular version of the file. Version handling and Views will be discussed later in this manual.

notes If the label you are attaching has an associated Branch Base Label (see Version Labels), both the Label and the Branch Base Label will be applied to the revision if neither has already been assigned.  

See also: Scenario 4


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