Check in
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The check-in dialog box is displayed prior to checking in files and adding files. You can use this dialog to add comments to the file as it is checked in and to assign a Version Label to the files that are checked in.

If you check the Prompt for comments for each file checkbox, Team Coherence will prompt you to enter comments for each file as it is checked in. When you enter these comments, you will also be able to display the changes made to the file.

The Options page of the dialog box gives you control over what happens to the local work-file once the file is actually checked in, and what to do when the file hasn't changed since it was last checked out.

If you have the TC Tracker addin installed, there will also be another page displayed to allow you to associate issues with the files you are checking in.

If you want to show the changes in files being checked in, select the Files tab and use the Differences button, or right-click in the file list for the popup menu.

question Click What's This? Help in the dialog box for field definitions.

notes Views: Views can be used to make the maintenance of previous versions of your projects easier. By setting a View on a previous version of your software, Team Coherence will automatically handle all necessary branching and make sure the Version Label is moved when files are checked in.  

See also: Check-in Modified Files


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