Defining Promotion Levels
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To define promotion levels you must be an ADMIN user. Select Tools/Promotion Levels… from the main menu:


Promotion Levels are defined on a repository basis. If you want to use different Promotion Levels for different projects, you should put each project in a different repository.

Promotion Levels are listed from the first stage to the last. There is no need to define a Development level as all revisions in a non-Promotion Level view are considered to be under development.

You can use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to re-organize existing levels.

To create a new level or edit an existing one click the New or Modify buttons. This will display the Promotion Level editor:


Enter a name and a description for this level. The description is used, when promoting files, to give the user more information.

In this dialog, there is another page called Security. Security is particularly important as it allows you to define who is allowed to promote to this particular level, and who is able to create a view based on this level:


In general, a user should be able to configure a view at the level they work at and should be able to promote to the next higher level. For example, assuming you had defined user groups around the promotion levels above:

QA Department

1)Developers should not be allowed to view any promotion levels but should be able to promote to Testing  
2)Testers should be able to view based on the Testing promotion level and to promote only to the QA level  
3)The QA Department should be able to view based on the QA promotion level and promote only to the Production level.  
Obviously these are only guidelines, but illustrate how the security levels can enforce rules based on the promotional hierarchy you define.

See also: Scenario 7


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