SCC Select Project
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This dialog is displayed when the SCC API (i.e. Visual Studio) requests the name of a project for a particular action. Use it to select an existing folder or, if the New Project and New Folder buttons are enabled, to create a new one.

The concepts used by Team Coherence and the SCC API are slightly different in that the SCC API refers to folders as sub-projects, whereas Team Coherence creates a root Project as an identifier and stores the actual archives in sub-folders. For this reason, you cannot select the root object as an SCC project.

If you are adding new files to a project, you have the option of Creating a new project and Folders. The created Folders will have the default working path set to the working path of the files that are being added or checked in.

If the New buttons are disabled this is an indication that the calling application (i.e. Visual Studio) is requesting that you open an existing project.

If selecting an existing folder using this dialog box, the working path for this folder must match the path for the item being added.

question Click What's This? Help in the dialog box for field definitions.


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