Creating a Project
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Before you can add Issues to TC Tracker, you need to create at least one Project. Projects allow you to organise issues into logical groups. In addition, Projects allow you to specify which users have what access to the issues contained within the project.

To create a new Project, select Action / New / Project from the main menu, or press the New Project button in the toolbar. When prompted, enter a name for the project. This has to be unique within the repository.

The project is created with default security settings based on the current user. To modify the security settings, select the project and select Action / Properties from the main menu. Security settings are discussed under Projects.

notes If another user has created or modified an object since you have started TC Tracker, the new settings will not show up on your system until you do a refresh. To refresh the local cache, press F5, or select View / Refresh from the main menu.  


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