Adding A Delphi Project to Team Coherence
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As mentioned above, the same general principles apply to most other supported interfaces. In most interfaces, a new main menu option called Workgroups will be added to the main menu of the specific IDE. This menu option gives access to the Team Coherence specific functions used to access and change files.

If you open a project in Delphi, and it hasn't yet been archived, most of the Workgroups menu items will be disabled. The option Project <projectname> / Check In..., where <projectname> is the name of the currently active Project, will be active to allow you to add this project to version control:


Selecting Project <projectname> / Check In... will prompt you with the Checkin dialog box:


The Check-In dialog box allows you to define Comments for the files being checked in, and what to do with the file once it is checked in. The Files page of this dialog box lists all the files that are about to be checked in and you can select/deselect files from this list to control the files being added. We will discuss the other options available in the Check-in dialog box later in this Manual.

When you have entered a comment, press the OK button to continue adding the project to Team Coherence. Team Coherence will create a new Team Coherence Project for the files and create any necessary Folders. Progress will be displayed as it is doing this and, at the end of the check-in process, the results dialog will be displayed.

That's it! All the files in the Delphi project have been archived and, once you press the OK button, the files that are open in the IDE will be updated to reflect the changes.

By default, once a file has been checked in, its local copy will be made read-only to prevent accidental and uncontrolled changes being made to it.

Finally, we can now view the newly added project in Version Manager:


When you drop-down the Workgroups menu in Delphi, more options, dependent on the status of the current file, will be available.

If you need to work on an archived file, it is now necessary to Check out the file before it can be modified.


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