Scenario 2 - Refreshing and checking out files
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Alan, a developer at MCN, has been tasked with making a minor change to one of the forms used by GP-Install. He has never seen the source for GP-Install before, and doesn't have a copy of it on his PC. He decides to get a copy of the source to review it before making any changes.

Alan starts up Version Manager and looks for the GP-Install project. He selects it and has a look at its folder properties to check the default working directory. He decides that he doesn't want to use the default folder as it clashes with the source of another project he has been tinkering with. He enters a new path in the User field as he knows that this won't affect the settings of other users. This path will now be the default working path whenever Alan works with this project.

He is now ready to get a copy of the project. He selects the project in the left hand pane and selects Action/Get… from the main menu. The Get Files dialog box is displayed. He wants the latest version of the files so he leaves the Revision and Version boxes blank and presses the OK button.

Team Coherence processes all the files and presents the Status dialog so that Alan can correct any problems that might have occurred. There were no problems, so he presses the OK button to return to Version Manager. He looks in the folder that he told Team Coherence to use and, sure enough, the source is now there.

He starts up Delphi and opens the GP-Install project. He notices that the files are marked as read-only in the editor. He needs to make changes to the InstGlobal.pas file to fix a problem with displaying of file sizes so he opens the file in the Delphi editor. The file is read-only so he needs to check it out before modifying it. Before checking it out, he decides to view the status of the file so he selects Workgroups / Properties... from the IDE menu. He notices, in the Archive Properties dialog box, that someone has locked the file. He double-clicks on the locked revision and the Revision Properties dialog box is displayed. This tells him that the file is currently locked by Ewan. He closes the dialog boxes to return to the editor.

He knows that this repository supports parallel development so he selects Workgroups / Checkout... from the IDE menu. This displays the Check Out dialog box. He wants the latest version of the files so he leaves the Revision and Version boxes blank. He decides to enter some Lock Comments so that other users can see the reason he has it locked, and presses the OK button.

Team Coherence checks out the file and refreshes the file in the Delphi editor. The file is now writable so Alan can make the modifications he requires.


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